Falcon Travelers

Dutch Design Leather, Est 2013

I challenged myself to write a blog post every day this December. It does not need to be a very long blog post, just a little story every day as I document my memories of this month in My December Daily Journal.


I’m taking it one day at a time and set up a few rules for myself to keep things simple. Both with regard to the blog and to the daily journaling.

  1. Stay relaxed and record one memory, one story each day. Take it one day at a time.
  2. It doesn’t have to be picture perfect.
  3. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have just the right words. It’s about recording your memories.
  4. It’s OK if not every page is beautiful, some days you just don’t have the time to work out a lay-out, other days you might.
  5. Mistakes are a part of life, so expect them to happen in your journal and embrace them.
  6. Don’t compare your lay-outs to what other people are doing… do your own thing!
  7. Some days I will only have time to paste a picture and do some embellishing. That’s OK, you can finish them later.

Most importantly, it’s about having fun and doing what you love. Taking a few minutes out of every day for Memory Keeping and creating a document for the future.


I designed a few die-cut elements for journaling and made little frames for the Instax pictures… just so they have a bit more contrast on the white background.


I think they look really cute 😉

Photo 01-12-2018, 16 00 51

During the Creaweekend, where I gave the workshop for the December daily Journal, I splurged a bit on some embellishments for me and my daughter, so we have plenty to decorate our journals with. Thank you Esther for gathering all these lovely ephemera!

As promised I also made a list with prompt for the month of December… You can use them as inspiration or a guide for filling your journal.

december prompts-2

I printed mine and added it to my notebook


However I will mostly just journal everyday like I normally do. I do like some of the prompts though, so I will undoubtedly use some of them.

If you want to join the fun and start your own December Daily Journal, you can download the printable from the free printables section. I’d love to see your journals, so please show them in the comments or if you use Instagram, tag me there @LadyFalconTN

DSC08679 I wish you all a wonderful time journaling your memories through the month of December.

Till tomorrow 😉 for a new and (probably… hopefully) shorter Daily December post.

xoxo Monique

7 thoughts on “Day one, December Daily Journal

  1. Maria Spinola says:

    Wat een leuk idee! Ik ga meedoen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Monique says:

      Gezellig! 🙂


  2. Hi Monique! Loving this idea! I think I’m going to try to join you this December!


    1. Monique says:

      Great! Have fun making and keeping memories 🙂


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